It's a grim and somber time in our nation. As homosexual activists protest around the country, those who oppose their degenerate agenda are targeted with hate and vicious attacks. While Christians and other religions take a stand for righteousness, we are slandered, labeled as hatemongers, and scourged in the press.
What I don't hear much about is how their protests may derail the very democratic process that agreed, in California, that marriage is between one man and one woman. The majority voted, and those who agree with that traditional definition of marriage won.
What I don't hear enough about is how this homosexual activism is threatening our First Amendment rights. My rights to free speech, free exercise of religion, free press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition the government for redress of grievances - these will all be ripped from my hands and sacrificed on the altar of political correctness and moral relativism.
People of faith, people of good conscience, people who understand the Constitution - we must stand up in defense of traditional marriage, lest this be a chink in the armor that gives way to an irreparable gash.